Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Arranger
I only met JC last year, but it feels like I’ve known her for years. Her energy and enthusiasm for life are infectious, and every interaction I have with her leaves me with valuable learnings and feelings of positivity and hope. Our interview was a bit different from previous ones in that JC led with the kind of things she has been doing and personal characteristics she was leaning on to deal with the uncertainty of COVID-19. From there, she was happy to explore together what Strengths stood out. I immediately heard her Arranger and Responsibility, as well as her Activator. And I also learned how to use what de-motivates me to create positive change fast!
I’m still interviewing, so please get in touch if you would like to be part of this!
Jeanette Cremor (JC) – Activator, Arranger, Individualization, Relator, Responsibility
Occupation: Business Owner – Jeanette Cremor – Project Planning and Implementation Specialist Consulting
JC has been leading projects for 20 years, and now applies this experience to help organisations get projects back on track, stay on track and realise value from their investments. Her services are well beyond project management consulting and extend to strategy development and program planning, leadership and collaboration, business architecture and process modelling and project health checks and action plans.
JC’s Arranger Strength has enabled her to develop her tried and trusted models for getting incredible results. She is also able to visualise a model almost instantly, just from talking to someone. She is a big fan of the number 3, and in our interview, we explored just how powerful it is to think like this.
JC’s Arranger is absolutely fueled by her incredible sense of Responsibility and powered by her Activator.
We also talked about how our Strengths have opposites – they’re often referred to as de-motivators. Demotivators can exist in our environments, but also in ourselves. JC shared how she identifies and uses them to get out of negative spirals of self-sabotage.
To work with JC, go to: https://www.jeanettecremor.com.au/
To listen to JC’s podcast, go to: https://www.jeanettecremor.com.au/podcasts/
Don’t know your top strengths? Go here to discover how you can find them out.