Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Responsibility
I worked with Ellen years ago and was excited to hear she was starting her own business. Ellen is the quintessential digital professional and was a leader in corporate in Australia and the UK for many years after leaving her journalism career. Ellen has been running her own business for more than a year now and our interview focused on the transition she has made from corporate leadership to her own business. New to Strengths, we discussed her top strengths, how she was using them, and more importantly what she has been leaning on more now she runs her own business, as opposed to leading teams in the corporate setting.
As always, even though I know Ellen, I held off on predicting which Strengths she has been leaning on. It was fun to explore them together, focusing on the resources she has needed more now she is her own boss. Ellen had prepared herself well for working for herself, however there were still some surprises – as anyone with their own business can attest. It was only after listening to our interview and reflecting on what I learned that her IMMENSE sense of responsibility jumped out. When you listen, you will hear her Relator, Individualization, Harmony and Intellection, however her drive to do amazing things for her clients and run her business well was ever present. I often talk about the driver behind all our strengths and actions – what sits under the surface keeping everything else moving, and people talented with Responsibility get things done because they feel a genuine responsibility to others.
I’m still interviewing, so please get in touch if you would like to be part of this!
Ellen Cresswell – Individualization, Relator, Responsibility, Harmony, Intellection
Occupation: Business Owner at Digital Manifesto – Digital Strategy, creative technology and story telling.
Ellen started her career as a journalist and has a passion and skill for words and storytelling. She has been pleasantly surprised at how much she gets to use her creative side – something she thought might remain a passion project rather than a business. I loved hearing her journey from corporate leader to business owner; and as someone who has made that step myself, I have to say I am in awe of Ellen’s preparedness. She recognised really early in her business owner journey that there was more to business than just being really good at what you do. She has not only embraced business owner responsibilities like accounting, book keeping and client pipeline management but has been determined to do them well. Her commitment to excellence is not just about building a sustainable business working with amazing people but being a role model to young women as someone who does what she loves and is great at it.
Ellen’s desire to steer her own ship (GREAT Navy metaphor!) comes from her need to create a life she loves, set her own goals and do meaningful work. Her ability to see her clients’ specific needs and meet them calls upon her Relator and Individualization, not to mention her Harmony. Ellen has always been good at cutting through the conflict and getting to the main point. Perhaps that’s all her years in journalism? What came through the most though was her responsibility to serve her clients and meet a genuine need in the market for her skills and experience. We talked about how Covid-19 has changed the workplace forever, the challenges and also the opportunities of virtual working. Ellen has Positivity in her top 10 and you can tell – her ability to see the upsides in a resourceful, helpful way is amazing!
I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed talking to Ellen.
You can find Ellen at:
Her website: https://www.digitalmanifesto.com.au/
Email: hello@digitalmanifesto.com.au
Don’t know your top strengths? Go here to discover how you can find them out.