
Head Space – the invisible energy drainer

By Emma Sharrock / August 10, 2014 / Comments Off on Head Space – the invisible energy drainer

I never really understood the definition of ‘headspace’. Not really. I mean, I kind of got it, but to be honest, I found myself getting a bit impatient with people who claimed ‘I don’t have the headspace for this at the moment’. As a coach and a strong believer of anyone’s ability to change their…

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By Emma Sharrock / August 6, 2014 / Comments Off on

“Act as if what you do makes a difference” – William James

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The True Meaning of an Agile Spike

By Emma Sharrock / August 4, 2014 / Comments Off on The True Meaning of an Agile Spike

It may seem like I have been quiet lately, but in truth I have been doing quite a lot. It’s just the the “quite a lot” has not been directly contributing to my chapter word counts. Have  you ever started something, thinking you had everything you needed to get going, but found out you didn’t?…

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By Emma Sharrock / July 8, 2014 / Comments Off on

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude” – May Angelou  

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Crossing the Threshold

By Emma Sharrock / July 5, 2014 / Comments Off on Crossing the Threshold

Have you ever had a big (or small) decision to make, and you simply did not know what to do? So did you delay making the decision? Did you worry you would make the wrong decision? Did you feel pressured into making A decision? Recently, I wrote a blog post about how to make great…

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By Emma Sharrock / June 6, 2014 / Comments Off on

“If I waited till I felt like writing, I’d never write at all” – Anne Tyler

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Risky Business – dealing with Risk in a Risky World

By Emma Sharrock / June 5, 2014 / Comments Off on Risky Business – dealing with Risk in a Risky World

I’m always so inspired when friends take on the challenge of running a marathon doing an Ironman, taking on a Bikram Yoga 30 day challenge, or walking the 100km Oxfam trail, not just because of the incredible physical efforts required, but also the amount their personal lives need to change to accommodate the challenge. More…

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By Emma Sharrock / May 26, 2014 / Comments Off on

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more” – Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor

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Dealing with Resistance

By Emma Sharrock / May 12, 2014 / Comments Off on Dealing with Resistance

Have you ever worked on a project and you experienced stakeholders resisting the change that you were driving? It might be as big as them resisting the new systems and processes you are bringing in because they will have to change everything about how they work and it’s just too much. It might be that…

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By Emma Sharrock / May 11, 2014 / Comments Off on

“People don’t resist change. They resist being changed” – Peter M. Senge

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Meet the Mentor

By Emma Sharrock / April 26, 2014 / Comments Off on Meet the Mentor

Have you ever had a dream? Have you ever had a GREAT IDEA? Of course you have. And you talk to your “Yes And” people and start building your idea into a plan. But there’s something missing. You need expert advice. Perhaps someone who has done something similar who can guide you. Advise you. The…

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By Emma Sharrock / April 24, 2014 / Comments Off on

“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself” – Morpheus

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Call to Adventure and Iteration Zero

By Emma Sharrock / April 21, 2014 / Comments Off on Call to Adventure and Iteration Zero

Have  you ever had a call to adventure? A challenge to do something new, exciting and different? Perhaps it was a holiday or a new job? The truth is we get them ALL THE TIME. Sometimes, we don’t even notice them. Sometimes we do and we don’t take them for a variety of reasons. Sometimes…

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By Emma Sharrock / April 16, 2014 / Comments Off on

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing” – Helen Keller

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Fun Runs and Projects – all a Journey!

By Emma Sharrock / April 13, 2014 / Comments Off on Fun Runs and Projects – all a Journey!

I ran a run run on the weekend – Run for the Kids in Melbourne. And during the 15km effort, I thought a lot about the Hero’s Journey. You see, so much of what we do is a journey – some journeys are short and relatively easy, some are longer and harder. There are some…

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By Emma Sharrock / April 11, 2014 / Comments Off on

“Oh, but anyway, Toto, we’re home. Home! And this is my room, and you’re all here. And I’m not gonna leave here ever, ever again, because I love you all, and – oh, Auntie Em – there’s no place like home!” – Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

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