Agile Coach

June Bright Spots – Challenging Times

By Emma Sharrock / July 21, 2020 / Comments Off on June Bright Spots – Challenging Times

It’s July and it’s been a challenging time. Who would have predicted last year that this time next year we would be experiencing a pandemic? A crisis of this proportion? I sometimes feel like I’m in a movie. Do you? I know that at some stage this period of time will be the focus of…

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Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Arranger

By Emma Sharrock / May 28, 2020 / Comments Off on Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Arranger

I only met JC last year, but it feels like I’ve known her for years. Her energy and enthusiasm for life are infectious, and every interaction I have with her leaves me with valuable learnings and feelings of positivity and hope. Our interview was a bit different from previous ones in that JC led with…

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April Bright Spots – Dealing with Uncertainty

By Emma Sharrock / May 19, 2020 / Comments Off on April Bright Spots – Dealing with Uncertainty

Can you believe it’s May? And you know what, even if we weren’t amid a pandemic, I imagine I would still be writing this. Time is flying regardless of the events. I think when I write “can you believe it’s May?” it is with the tone of “I can’t believe it’s already May, and I…

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Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Input

By Emma Sharrock / May 15, 2020 / Comments Off on Strengths in Uncertainty Series – Input

I tell you there was a danger in this series not seeing the light of day. My Input Strength is #1 and I LOVE learning! But I also risk being trapped in a continuous cycle of gathering valuable learnings and not sharing them. Fortunately, my wonderful friend Emma Kirkwood also has Input very high, and…

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Agile; Standup

Focusing on the bright spots

By Emma Sharrock / April 14, 2020 / Comments Off on Focusing on the bright spots

As I write this, we are experiencing a time of unprecedented change. This time last month it felt like the year was flying by. Now, for many, it’s not going fast enough, as we navigate the challenging landscape of COVID19. My heart goes out to everyone experiencing the virus itself or the anxiety that is…

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Agile; Standup

What do you Believe?

By Emma Sharrock / March 9, 2020 / Comments Off on What do you Believe?

Don’t panic, but we’re SPRINTING our way through to the end of the first quarter of the year. Didn’t we just have Christmas? I’m sure I’m not alone in my fascination with the speed of time. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for time boxes to keep focused and kicking goals. The calendar…

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Being the Agile Leader

Being the Agile Leader

By Emma Sharrock / February 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Being the Agile Leader

Last week I spoke at the Female Influencers in Technology (FIIT) Meetup, and I shared my experience and passion for Being the Agile Leader. I thought I would share the highlights as part of this month’s blog. There are No bad Agile Teams, only Bad Agile Leaders In the military, we have an expression: “There…

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Agile; Standup

Starting with the End in Mind

By Emma Sharrock / February 11, 2020 / Comments Off on Starting with the End in Mind

One month into the new year! How is 2020 going for you so far? I’ve been working on developing new habits around my work and business. Starting as I mean to go on. Agile is all about sustainability – sprints AND rest! To enable this sustainable pace, we need to reflect on how we show…

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The Gift of Bad Behaviour

By Emma Sharrock / January 24, 2020 / Comments Off on The Gift of Bad Behaviour

Late last year I read an article that talked about the new focus leaders need to have in this fast paced world. I really enjoyed it, as it resonated so much with my beliefs and the work I do coaching leaders and teams in new ways of working. There were a number of comments agreeing…

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Agile; Standup

Do you have the best job in the world?

By Emma Sharrock / January 15, 2020 / Comments Off on Do you have the best job in the world?

Happy New Year! I’m sure I am one of many people wishing you the best for 2020. After a fast-paced 2019 packed with excitement and challenges, I’m getting curious about how this year can be different. I’m in the process of doing my Past Year Review (I wrote about this last year) to capture the…

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time to grow, agile

Time to Grow

By Emma Sharrock / December 19, 2019 / Comments Off on Time to Grow

Have you ever felt stuck? Restless? Listless? Lazy? Or had trouble finding joy in activities that have brought joy to you in the past? Just me? I didn’t think so… These feelings are normal and could be for a number of reasons – change of season, change of life, change of job. But it is…

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The power of unlearning

By Emma Sharrock / December 3, 2019 / Comments Off on The power of unlearning

Can you believe it’s December? I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing the days racing by. I think it’s a sign that a lot is happening If I thought I would coast through November in the wake of the glory of my book launch (I didn’t think this fortunately!) I would have been wrong.…

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Agile; Standup

What is your Purpose and How do you Learn?

By Emma Sharrock / November 12, 2019 / Comments Off on What is your Purpose and How do you Learn?

Can you believe it’s the final quarter of the year? After the excitement of the PMI Project Excellence Award announcement in our last stand up, October continued to deliver! The big news for October is I officially launched my new book: High Performance Executive Leadership. As subscribers you got an opportunity to get your hands…

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5 Signs You Are Living Your Values

By Emma Sharrock / November 7, 2019 / Comments Off on 5 Signs You Are Living Your Values

A few weeks ago I shared an experience where I received both negative and positive feedback in the same week. One was an international award and one was from a stakeholder I had worked with briefly at the same time I was coaching the award winning team. I reflected at the time that both pieces of feedback…

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PMI Award Agile Team

Learning from Winning

By Emma Sharrock / October 15, 2019 / Comments Off on Learning from Winning

I truly believe that we never stop learning. And we can learn in the most unexpected situations, like a chance encounter with a long-lost friend. Or in a more expected situation, like a classroom. Often it’s a humbling experience, as many learnings come from failures – from experiments that didn’t go the way we thought…

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Agile; Standup

Showing up and winning

By Emma Sharrock / October 9, 2019 / Comments Off on Showing up and winning

This has been one of my most exciting newsletters to write. Mainly because I have been sitting on news that I could not share until after the official announcement! A team I coached last year in Agile ways of working has won the 2019 Project Management Institute (PMI) Excellence Award. This is international recognition, and…

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